Albuquerque Rideshare Accident Attorneys

Ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft have become popular alternatives to driving personal vehicles in Albuquerque. However, with their rising popularity comes the increased risk of accidents involving rideshare vehicles. In this article, we will discuss the insurance coverage provided by these companies, the different categories of rideshare accident victims, common injuries experienced in such accidents, and how to choose the right rideshare accident attorney in Albuquerque.

Understanding Uber and Lyft’s Insurance Coverage in Albuquerque

1. Personal Car Insurance Policies

Both Uber and Lyft drivers in Albuquerque must have their own personal car insurance policies. These policies come into play when a rideshare driver is not actively using the app and is involved in an accident.

2. Rideshare Company Insurance Policies

Uber and Lyft also have separate $1 million insurance policies to cover accidents involving their drivers. These policies are activated when a driver is en route to pick up a passenger or has a passenger in the vehicle.

3. Coverage for Multiple Groups of Victims

The coverage provided by Uber and Lyft can benefit multiple groups of victims in various scenarios. This includes drivers injured in accidents where a rideshare driver was at fault, passengers injured in either vehicle due to the rideshare driver’s fault, pedestrians injured by a rideshare driver, and rideshare drivers injured in accidents where another driver was at fault.

Identifying Your Category as a Rideshare Accident Victim

As mentioned above, there are several categories of rideshare accident victims. Identifying your category is important in determining the compensation you may be eligible for. The categories include:

  1. Drivers injured in accidents where a rideshare driver was at fault – If you were driving and were hit by a rideshare driver, you could be eligible for compensation from the rideshare company’s insurance policy.
  2. Passengers injured in either vehicle due to the rideshare driver’s fault – If you were a passenger in a rideshare vehicle or the other vehicle involved in the accident, you may be eligible for compensation from the rideshare company’s insurance policy.
  3. Pedestrians injured by a rideshare driver – If you were a pedestrian who was hit by a rideshare driver, you may be eligible for compensation from the rideshare company’s insurance policy.
  4. Rideshare drivers injured in accidents where another driver was at fault – If you were a rideshare driver and were injured in an accident caused by another driver, your personal car insurance policy, as well as the other driver’s insurance, may come into play.

Common Injuries Experienced in Rideshare Accidents

Rideshare accidents can result in a wide range of injuries, depending on the severity of the accident. Some common injuries include:

  1. Whiplash and neck injuries
  2. Traumatic brain injuries and concussions
  3. Fractures and broken bones
  4. Scarring and disfigurement
  5. Eye injuries and vision impairment
  6. PTSD and emotional distress
  7. Back and spinal injuries
  8. Injuries to the shoulder and surrounding muscles
  9. Damage to tendons or ligaments
  10. Internal bleeding and organ damage
  11. Skin burns and abrasions
  12. Knee injuries and cartilage damage
  13. Herniated discs and spinal compression
  14. Anoxic and hypoxic brain injuries

Choosing the Right Rideshare Accident Attorney in Albuquerque

When looking for an attorney to handle your rideshare accident case, consider the following factors:

  1. Experience – Look for a lawyer with experience handling rideshare accident cases. This will ensure they are familiar with the intricacies of these cases and can effectively represent your interests.
  2. Prioritization – Focus on attorneys who prioritize the impact of the injury on the victim’s life. This will ensure they are dedicated to obtaining the compensation you deserve.
  3. Medical Expertise – Seek a lawyer who works with medical experts to evaluate and present the extent of your injuries. This will strengthen your case and help you receive appropriate compensation.
  4. Track Record – Ensure the attorney has a track record of obtaining substantial settlements or verdicts for rideshare accident victims. This will give you confidence in their ability to fight for your rights and secure the compensation you deserve.


  1. How does the insurance coverage for Uber and Lyft drivers work in Albuquerque?
  • In Albuquerque, Uber and Lyft drivers must have their own personal car insurance policies. Additionally, the rideshare companies have separate $1 million insurance policies that cover accidents involving their drivers while they are actively using the app.
  1. What types of victims can benefit from the insurance policies of rideshare companies?
  • Victims who can benefit from rideshare company insurance policies include drivers injured in accidents where a rideshare driver was at fault, passengers injured due to the rideshare driver’s fault, pedestrians injured by a rideshare driver, and rideshare drivers injured in accidents where another driver was at fault.
  1. What are some common injuries sustained in rideshare accidents?
  • Common injuries sustained in rideshare accidents include whiplash, traumatic brain injuries, fractures, scarring, eye injuries, PTSD, back and spinal injuries, shoulder injuries, internal bleeding, and more.
  1. How can an Albuquerque rideshare accident lawyer help me with my case?
  • A rideshare accident lawyer can help you by evaluating your case, determining the compensation you may be eligible for, negotiating with insurance companies, and representing your interests in court if necessary.
  1. What should I look for when choosing a rideshare accident attorney in Albuquerque?
  • When choosing a rideshare accident attorney in Albuquerque, look for experience in handling rideshare cases, prioritization of the impact of the injury on the victim’s life, a lawyer who works with medical experts, and a track record of obtaining substantial settlements or verdicts for rideshare accident victims.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a rideshare accident in Albuquerque, contact the ABQ Accident Law Firm at (505) 657-9365 or email us for a consultation with our experienced attorneys. We are here to help you navigate the complexities of rideshare accident cases and secure the compensation you deserve.